5 Years of Knot So Loud!

Wow, FIVE years of Knot So Loud. I still remember that day like it was yesterday as the new blogger on the block. I was excited about what opportunities this would bring for me. How do I feel about this milestone? If I’m being honest… I am mixed. Happy and disappointed.

First of all, I’m very grateful. I’m glad that there are loyal readers who stayed with me on this journey. Old and new friends, I appreciate the support. It’s because of you that I stay motivated to keep going.

This journey with Knot So Loud hasn’t been an easy one. There have been several times when I felt like nobody cared. Writers blocks have happened. Seasonal depression made me feel like there was nothing to write about. My personal challenges have got in the way sometimes.

Every year around the anniversary of Knot So Loud, I debate upon if I should continue. There were many tough times but there were also many great times.

The partnerships/collaborations I did for Knot So Loud have been fun (and of course, stressful). I enjoyed the people I met in the community. I enjoy sharing everything I have learned about the area. I experienced new things. I also learned more about how to improve professionally.

I love it when I have people approach me in public and express how much they love following me on social media. It always make me feel so good! So grateful that I’m bringing content that people are actually enjoying.

Photographing has been a passion, I love doing it. There’s nothing like the excitement of chasing a moment whether it’s a sunset, a submarine returning from deployment, a kid watching the drawbridge for the first time, a dog’s excitement of exploring, etc. Over the years, I have noticed a difference in my photographing styles. I’m amazed that I’m still discovering myself as a photographer.

As of last year, I began to photograph more people living in the moment. I see them during my strolls around Downtown Mystic over the summer. I found that I really enjoy this. There’s nothing more real than the emotions that I capture in these photograph. I also learned about what types of weathers I like to photograph in. In the past, I would’ve avoided going out during a gloomy day, but now those type of days are some of the best to photograph.

When I first started Knot So Loud, I had a completely different vision of what it would be from how it ended up today. So am I disappointed that it didn’t go in the direction I thought it would? Somewhat; however, because at the same time, I still grew so much in the last 5 years.

It’s funny too, I envisioned becoming a mega influencer, showing people where to travel in and around New England. Obviously I didn’t plan on the pandemic dampening this plan. I had to evolve. I appreciate the Coastal Connecticut region even more now, because I found more than I knew about.

Part of being a mega influencers is having more followers than what I have. I realized how much I appreciate the small community. I get way more engagement out of my loyal followers. That’s exactly what I need. I like the interactions I have with people when I bump into them around town or chatting in the DM’s. I know I can’t stop the numbers from growing but I hope to keep that community intact. It’s one of my favorite part about Knot So Loud.

I look forward to what will come from Knot So Loud. My creativity juices has been flowing, generating many new ideas that I hope to put to work soon. It’s my goal to continue to share my passion of photography and showcasing the beauty of Coastal CT/RI (hopefully more of New England too!).

There are also things I know I need to explore further. Many of you have asked me to do more reels or blogs regarding my deafness. I don’t know why I am struggling with that. I’m always concerned that every blog or story I share related to my deafness comes across negatively. I also don’t want to be that person to constantly push deafness in people’s faces. I know that isn’t the case but it’s something I will have to work on personally.

Knot So Loud has been quite the journey of ups and downs with so much to learn and things I have learned already. I know I’ll never stop growing professionally or personally. I’m excited about what more opportunities it’ll bring me. Again, I’m grateful for you to be here on this ride with me. It truly means a lot to me. Thank you.