Wigs for Kids

Last month, I decided to finally cut my hair. I haven’t seen my hairdresser since pre-pandemic. After 2.5 years my hair grew LONG, it was down to my waist. It was getting difficult to maintain it!

I decided to donate my hair. I’ve never done this before, so I had to look into it. I happened to find a local hairdresser that often helped others to donate hair to Wigs For Kids. I booked my appointment with her.

After having a long hair for that long, I was honestly nervous! It was fun to be able to braid my hair. The hairdresser divided up my hair in two sections, braided them and then SNIP! I was so surprised at how HEAVY they felt when she placed them in my lap! Each braid was just over a foot long.

I took my braided hair home with me. It was kinda awkward! I didn’t tell anyone about the hair appointment so I was able to hide my new haircut by tucking the hair behind my shoulders. I showed the chopped hair to my parents and my husband… their faces were priceless!

The Wigs For Kids website is very straight forward. I filled out my info then printed out a barcode. The braids had to be tucked in tissue paper then inside a ziplock bag. I mailed it off in a padded envelope. The whole process was easy!

So worthwhile to help kids to feel good about themselves! I’m glad to experience this, and would recommend you to donate your hair if you can!