October Reads

Many of you know that I LOVE books. It’s one of my passion! So I thought I’d start sharing books that I read each month. I had been sharing them in my Instagram stories but sometimes I want to write more than the space allows me. Here’s my first book blog of my October reads!

Zero Fail [4.5/5]

Wow! This book was excellent. I couldn’t put it down! It is about the Secret Service from JFK’s era until the Trump’s presidency. There were so many details that it was like reading an expose, because the information was insider knowledge. The author has an excellent writing style, I felt like I was standing right there during incidents watching it all unfold. I admit that I didn’t know much about the system of Secret Service, it definitely needs some revamping. I do appreciate the Secret Service agents who take their jobs seriously, it sure isn’t an easy job protecting the President and VP. A fascinating read! 

Haben Girma The DeafBlind Woman who conquered Harvard Law [5/5]

A memoir written by Haben, a DeafBlind woman who graduated from Harvard Law School. I already did a video about this book on my Instagram. In summary, this was an impactful book. Haben talks about her childhood memories up to her post-college years. She is an amazing, strong, influential person. This book read beautifully with some humor! This made me realize that I didn’t know much about the DeafBlind world, it was very educational to learn as much as I did from reading her book.

The Personal Librarian [3.5/5]

A historical fiction based on the life of Belle de Costa Greene, personal librarian for J.P. Morgan. It was an interesting read, the author definitely did extensive research. At the same time, I was bored. I felt like some parts dragged on. The biggest issue was that I just couldn’t connect with the character, but I am glad I learned about Greene. It will be interesting to know some of the history when I visit the Morgan Library & Museum in NYC some day! 

The Paper Palace [DNF]

Two things led me to pick this book up… Reese’s Book Club and the high ratings. I didn’t realize that this book consist of child sexual abuse which is something I can’t tolerate reading about. I had heard plenty stories from many times in the courts (criminal justice major) unfortunately. 

The Invention of Miracles [5/5]

This book deserved an entire blog to discuss all the emotions that I felt! It is a biography of Alexander Graham Bell’s life. To many of you he is known as the inventor of the telephone but in the deaf community, he was an oppressor. I really learned a lot about how he shaped what my life is today. Stay tuned for the blog coming this Sunday, November 7.

The Ex Hex [3.5/5]

A witchy rom-com! A witch placed a curse on her ex after getting her heart broken. Only the break-up curse affected the whole small town so together, the witch and her ex work to un-do the curse. It’s a fun light read for Halloween! The storyline got corny at some point but I was still interesting enough to read the entire book!

The Lost Apothecary [2.5/5]

This is another book I picked up for Halloween. The blurb for this book sounded interesting… a female owned apothecary that dispensed poisons in London during 1791. Only to be disappointed that it wasn’t really a thriller like I thought it’d be, it read more like a historical literacy fiction. The book started off strong, but lost me with the dual storylines. I enjoyed reading Nella’s side, but couldn’t connect with Caroline’s. I couldn’t stay engaged with the storyline so I often found myself bored. 

All images via Goodreads.